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How to Fix Sage 50 Corporation Tax Error 9288

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Service Cost: £259.00

1170 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, United States, Hampshire, Fareham

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This is an error with your company's corporation tax return that you should correct as soon as possible. If you have already corrected the error and you are awaiting confirmation from HMRC that the correction has been accepted, then you’re waiting period will finish on or before 6 April 2017. If you do not correct the error within this time, then HMRC may apply to court to enforce its right to demand the correction.

If you own or manage a company that has paid corporation tax in the last two years, then you may have received an email from Sage 50 with the subject line “Sage 50 Corporation Tax Error 9288”. This error can prevent your company from claiming certain tax reliefs, and so it’s important to know what it is and what you need to do to resolve it.

To qualify for this error, your company must have used the incorrect software to file its taxes. This software is known as 'Presto.' Presto is a software package that helps companies with their tax returns. However, due to an error made by Presto, your company may not have been using the correct Sage 50 software.

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If you have been affected by the Sage 50 Corporation Tax Error 9288, then you will need to take action in order to correct the error. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure that your taxes are paid on time. If you cannot find a resolution through these methods, then it may be necessary to speak with a tax professional.

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Advert Ref: #3014570
Posted: 17 Jan '23
Visits: 169

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