Classified ads in Sunburyonthames

Reasons to Choose a Best Chef Placement Agency to Hire Private Events

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Service Cost: £N/A

"25 Claremont Avenue Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex T, 25 Claremont Avenue Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex, Middlesex, Sunburyonthames

Offer Type

Private Events Bartenders are professional bartenders hired to work at private events such as weddings, parties, corporate meetings or other private events where drinks are served. These bartenders are responsible for creating drinks and serving them to guests, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all. So if you're looking to hire private event bartenders for your party, you've come to the right place

Phone no. :-  3455120178

Address :- 25 Claremont Avenue Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex TW16 5LX

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3029478
Posted: 01 Jun '23
Visits: 134

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User: operatinalchef
Member since 16 May '22
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