Classified ads in Oldham

Best quality of Hairspray Packaging Boxes with Free Shipping

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Service Cost: £1.00

11 Collier Hill Avenue, Oldham Manchester, OL8 4NJ., Greater Manchester, Oldham

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The advantages of custom-tailored Hairspray Packaging are countless. The custom boxes effortlessly lead to an increased number of sales of the product. Quality maintenance is our topmost priority which satisfies the customers. The Custom Boxes Wholesale are highly durable and are capable of protecting the hair spray packaged in them from dirt and impurities. Custom Boxes made to be moisture and temperature-resistant. We make customized boxes to appeal to both genders, keeping in view that hair sprays are used by both men and women. We design a box with utmost specifications that the buyer feels a sense of affiliation with the box and the product.

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Advert Ref: #2941065
Posted: 05 Jul '21
Visits: 193

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User: sophialily
Member since 12 Feb '21
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