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How To Advertise On Instagram Explainer Mojo

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Service Cost: £300.00

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Social media has become the most powerful marketing platform for modern businesses, organisations, industries and individuals.

Many businesses have taken the internet, digital marketing approach to market their products and services, leaving behind the old traditional marketing forms such as television, radio, magazines and newspaper ads.

The digital marketing platforms such as search engine marketing, content marketing and social media marketing have taken an upper hand.

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms attract a surprising number of 4.62 billion people daily, which the more than half of the world’s adult population. With so many people connected to social media at one time, it makes the world a global village and digital marketing has become the sole marketing platform of this global village.

It was observe that 91.9 percent of companies in the US were proffering social media marketing to spread their brand awareness and other marketing factors. Social media platform such as Facebook has 2.91 billion active users daily, followed by its parent social media platform Instagram which has 200 million daily users on an average.

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platform, many companies prefer to market their brand on Instagram. Instagram was just a photo uploading social app, which now supports videos, stories, al texts and many more features.

Videos are found to be the best for engaging more audience on Instagram, connecting to a explainer video production company can be the best option for you as explainer videos are suitable for businesses to market their products and services on Instagram.

What Are Explainer Videos?

These videos are short informative videos which describes your product or service to the viewer. Explainer videos are the best option if you’re looking forward to market your brand on Instagram as these videos go well with the Instagram algorithm and are less time consuming. 86% of the businesses around the world use explainer videos. Connecting to a explainer video production company can be the best choice.

Best Explainer Video Format?

There are a wide range of explainer video types, but animated explainer videos are the best when it comes to engaging audience and increasing marketing performance.

Animated explainer video, can develop by a explainer video production company. These videos are rich in visual graphics and have been able to increase the viewers’ attention to 95% while viewing the video content.

Animated explainer video pricing can be anything around 3,500 USD to 5500 USD for a 1 minute video and Animated explainer video pricing for an 5 minute video can be 5000 USD to 35000 USD, the animated explainer video pricing mostly depends upon your requirement.

Explainer Mojo is the leading explainer video production company in the UK & USA, providing customised animated explainer video pricing for its clients.

Explainer Mojo provides you all explainer video related services which can help you market your brand on the Instagram platform. So feel free to get in touch Explainer Mojo the leading explainer production company in the UK & USA.

Instagram Marketing

Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform in the world, with a 200 million + active users daily, today Instagram has grown on the be a image uploading, video uploading and business marketing platform.

Here are some Instagram Marketing tips for you to trick.
  1. Link Facebook Ito Instagram: Today Facebook owns Instagram, advertisement and pay campaigns on Instagram are incomplete without a Facebook page. Connecting your Facebook business account can benefit you on marketing on Instagram.
  2. Paid Campaigns: Facebook advertisements are support by campaigns and ad sets, you can use Facebook campaigns to run paid ads on Facebook as well as on Instagram. You can also specify your target audience and select the location you want to target. Instagram will use the Facebook ad settings to market your brand.
  3. Interactive Content: The social media platforms encourage quality and engaging content, the content posting on Instagram can be Image or Video content with written content in the description. You can makes use of the alt tag which helps specify your product to the Instagram algorithm.
  4. Use Hashtags: Since Instagram is a social medial platform and not a search engine, Instagram uses alt tags and # hash tags to specify the product or service category. You can use up to 11 to 15 hashtags on Instagram but it’s always prefer to use 3 hashtags on an average as flooding a lot of hashtags can make your post look ugly to scroll.
  5. Target Your Audience: All your Instagram marketing activities should be aim to target your audience. Your Instagram posts, videos, stories and written content with all other optimizations shall aim directly to the audience you want.

Here were some tips and marketing tricks for you to promote your brand on Instagram, make sure to make use of explainer videos for marketing on Instagram.

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Advert Ref: #2973260
Posted: 07 Mar '22
Visits: 154

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