Classified ads in Liverpool

Top multi mill Manufacturer and Supplier

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Service Cost: £50,000.00


Industrial Estate, Makarpura, Vadodara -390010 Gujarat ( India ), Merseyside, Liverpool

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We are the leading manufacturers of different types of multi mill, V blenders, blenders, mixers, vessels, SS hopper silos, etc in India We provide the best manufacturing at affordable prices. Since its founding, MD Pharmatech has produced food, chemical and pharmaceutical equipment for both small and large-scale firms. The widest selection of processing equipment can be found at MD Pharmatech. The business is renowned for producing cutting-edge equipment, including blenders, Stainless Steel Sopper Silos, Multi Mills, Vibro Shifters, Vessels, and Material Handling equipment. It also offers process automation and integration services. Specialized pharmaceutical equipment is the main area of concentration for MD Pharmatech.






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Advert Ref: #3040905
Posted: 19 Sep '23
Visits: 162

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User: sshopper85
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