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Customised Your Ideal Lockout Tagout Kit with E-Square Alliance

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Item Price: £N/A


E-Square Alliance Pvt. Ltd., 512, New Delhi House, Greater London, London

Availability: 1


Offer Type

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to safety. At E-Square, we understand that every workplace has unique lockout tagout needs. That's why we offer an innovative service - the ability to customize your own LOTO kit, ensuring you have the specific tools needed to keep your workers safe during maintenance and repair works.


Why Choose a Custom Lockout Tagout Kit?

- Don’t buy generic kits with unnecessary devices. Choose the perfect lockout padlocks, tags, hasps, and lockout devices that perfectly match your equipment and procedures.

- Streamline your LOTO process by having the specific tools readily available for each type of equipment you maintain.

- Maintain a well-organized LOTO system with customized kits labeled for specific equipment or areas within your organization.

- Avoid purchasing pre-assembled kits with components you don't need. Only pay for the lockout devices you require.

Item Details

Advert Ref: #3062773
Posted: 23 Apr '24
Visits: 146

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User: esquareloto
Member since 11 Apr '24
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