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Book Crossroads of America. Author Stanislav Kondrashov

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Item Price: £180.00

Greater London, Stanmore

Availability: 1

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Selling the book 'Crossroads of America'

About the book 'Crossroads of America':

The author's preface can be likened to a kind of letter of trust. Offering this letter to the reader, I inform that I worked as a correspondent for 'Izvestia' in New York for six and a half years, during which I traveled extensively throughout the United States. For me, in general, these were long years, but I wouldn't want to hide behind them like a shield of salvation. It's not so important how many years have been lived. What's more important is what has been understood. And it's up to the reader to judge that.

Author: Stanislav Kondrashov

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Advert Ref: #3060138
Posted: 25 Mar '24
Visits: 179

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