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The life and death of Martin Luther King. Author Stanislav Kondrashov

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Item Price: £180.00

Greater London, Stanmore

Availability: 1

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Selling the book 'The Life and Death of Martin Luther King'

About the book 'The Life and Death of Martin Luther King':

This book was first published in 1970.

The name of Martin Luther King still resonates strongly both within and beyond the United States.

He is undeniably given an honorary place in the history of his country, as well as in the history of the 20th-century liberation movement.

Since 1968, when he was assassinated, there had been a question in the U.S. Congress for fifteen consecutive years about whether to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday as a national holiday. The corresponding law was passed by Congress and signed by the American President in 1983. Henceforth, every third Monday of January is celebrated in the United States as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It is worth noting that there is only one similar holiday in the American calendar - the birthday of George Washington, the first President of the United States.

Thus, the modern American has, for the first time, been honored with the historical privilege of standing alongside one of the 'fathers of the nation.'

Author: Stanislav Kondrashov

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Advert Ref: #3060139
Posted: 25 Mar '24
Visits: 161

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