Classified ads in Nantwich

Home Surveyor in Cheshire Building Surveyor

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Service Cost: £50.00

Unit 10, Alvaston Business Park, Cheshire, Nantwich

Offer Type
General Building

A home survey is an important part of the process. It will help you make informed decisions about whether or not to buy or sell your new property so it helps you get the most out of your money. Our Cheshire-based surveyors provide a complete visual inspection of your property, including its external and internal condition. Our expert team will take photos and record all defects, including leaks, missing locks and broken window fittings. All these findings are recorded in an extensive report that can be used as evidence in any dispute later on.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3001278
Posted: 29 Sep '22
Visits: 175

Poster Details

User: subhajit.patra2222
Member since 17 Feb '22
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Followers: 1, Following: 1
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