Classified ads in Crewe

We provide manned security personnel for every situation

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Service Cost: £N/A

16 Macon Court, Cheshire, Crewe

Offer Type
Memberships & Accreditations
Unspecified Services
Panad Group security officers are always smartly presented as we understand they are the public face of your business.
Panad security officers act as a deterrent and a solution to trespassers and unwanted visitors to your site, they aid in preventing criminal activity, safety risks and also protection of your employees.
All our security officers are able to carry out various duties from securing the main gate entrance to checking vacant buildings, our patrol officers use the latest technology for reporting incidents and concerns, all officers are put through strict assignment training before they are allocated ensuring the customer gets the best service possible.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2980252
Posted: 13 Jun '24
Visits: 96

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User: panad
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