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Agro Gums - The Best place to Find Pure Guar Gum Powder

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Item Price: £N/A

West Midlands, Birmingham

Availability: 1


Guar gum powder is a powerful ingredient in several industrial applications. However, the purity and addition of non-toxic substance during processing of goma de guar endosperm is more important before its application.

Guar Gum and Cassia Gum powder from Agro Gums

Agro Gums, a leading processor and supplier of guar gum in India offers higher grade cassia and guar gum powder to worldwide nations including USA, UK, Canada, etc
Guar gum also known as Guarkernmehl and le gomme de guar is known for its high viscosity and emulsifying property for which it is applied in several industries.

Agro Gums keep up with safe processing methods and supply guar and cassia gum powder after high end quality testing.

Keep in touch with us through visiting us at below mentioned address-

Agro Gums
636, G.I.D.C. Estate,
Phase - IV, Vatva,
Ahmedabad - 382445.
Gujarat - INDIA.

Tel : +91-79-25830659
Fax : +91-79-25891726

Item Details

Advert Ref: #2913653
Posted: 17 Sep '24
Visits: 68

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User: agrogums
Member since 03 Sep '20
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