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Smart Hospitality Supplies

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Item Price: £20.00

Shropshire, Shrewsbury

Availability: 1


The UK's leading name in Menu Covers & Hospitality Supplies. Smart Hospitality Supplies have been manufacturing bespoke things & Menu Covers, alongside our offering of leading catering equipment brand names. We are THE trusted name in the supply of Restaurant Menu Covers, Hospitality Supplies, Kitchen Equipment, Cleaning, Disposables, and a lot more. Smart Hospitality Supplies have a team of team to assist you with Menu Cover Design and all facet of product sourcing to specify how your venue looks. We have a committed in-house design studio and we have the ability to help and suggest you on creating the excellent seek your venue, consisting of: Menu Cover Design, Personalised Restaurant Products, Venue Signage, Printed Products, Venue Logo Design and extra.


Address: 138 Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire SY2 6AP

Item Details

Advert Ref: #2997243
Posted: 29 Aug '22
Visits: 256

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User: smarthospitality
Member since 29 Aug '22
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