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Ultraspan Technologies Inc - Complete Forms & Molds Solutions Provider

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Item Price: £N/A

West Midlands, Birmingham

Availability: 1


UltraSpan has been in the field of manufacturing equipment for precast concrete plants for 55 years and has been a global name for providing expertise and quality. The product line offered by them includes machinery for the production of hollow-core, wall panels, double tee, and the forms and molds for several precast elements. UltraSpan has been continuously evolving by working in collaboration with manufacturers across the globe.

We started by building simpler and smarter solutions and equipment with fewer components that used minimal raw material. It reached the pinnacle of heights by allowing the producers to increase productivity within the shortest span and lesser maintenance hassles.  In 2013, Ultraspan associated with the PROGRESS group with more than 500 plants worldwide, manufacturing facilities spread across four countries, and local offices in most of the continents. UltraSpan has been a prominent and most liked partner owing to the rapid parts delivery, innovative technologies that are updated instantly, and the best of services and support it provides.

Complete Forms and Molds Solutions- UltraSpan provides precast concrete molds and precast concrete forms that are an excellent solution for any precast production plant. Precast production also gets easier when the highest quality of molds and forms are used. They are a requisite for precast construction like parking structures, commercial buildings, bridges, and warehouses, etc. Supreme quality and durable molds help in the production of pre-stressed and non-pre stressed elements. There are single staircase molds that are most useful to the small and medium-size volume of precast staircases. Where high volumes are concerned, double staircase molds are the best option.

UltraSpan Technologies Inc
165 Fennell Street,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Phone +1 204-992-3200

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Advert Ref: #2964930
Posted: 29 Dec '21
Visits: 304

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