El Pescador Steakhouse Restaurants is where the best of Spanish food meets the art of the steakhouse. Our steakhouse cuisine is meant to thrill and inspire, focusing on quality cuts and authentic flavours. Join Our El Pescador Spanish Restaurant for an evening of gastronomic brilliance, where each taste reveals a tale of love, tradition, and the quest of perfection. Book your table at El Pescador now for an unforgettable dining experience.
Classic Steakhouse Experience At El Pescador Steakhouse Restaurants
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Item Price: £N/A
Unit B, Meridian Wharf, Trawler Road, Swansea, Swansea
Availability: 1
Website: elpescador.co.uk
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Advert Ref: #3073918
Posted: 23 Aug '24
Visits: 90
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User: elpescadoruk
Member since 28 Mar '23
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