Classified ads in London

A reliable wood floor cleaning service in London

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Service Cost: £40.00

304A Ballards Lane, Greater London, London

Offer Type

Vip Carpet Cleaning London is one of the most reliable names for wood floor cleaning service in the city. We cater to a large number of clients that includes both business entities and residents scattered all over London and the nearby areas. Clients rely on us and endorse our effort because of certain reasons which include – the high quality of service that we maintain and timely delivery of service that we provide.  In fact our trained and skilled workers leave no stone unturned to ensure 100% client satisfaction. Reasonable quotes, prompt and timely service, excellent service quality are few means by which we ensure greater value of money for our clients. Call us now and register your booking.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3016864
Posted: 24 Apr '24
Visits: 111

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User: vipcarpetcleaning
Member since 13 Nov '22
Postings: 8
Followers: 1, Following: 1
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