Classified ads in Redditch

Best Commercial Cleaners in Birmingham

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Service Cost: £N/A

Worcestershire, Redditch

Offer Type

Maid Marions is a commercial and industrial cleaning company based in Birmingham. Our business has grown year on year because our customers are very satisfied with our professional cleaning services. We have a wide client base who are serviced by our dedicated team of industrial and commercial cleaners in Birmingham. We are extremely proud of the work everyone does for our customers. If you’re in the Birmingham area look no further if you are in need of office or industrial cleaning services. We have a superb team of cleaners serving the Birmingham region, they are fully qualified to perform a full range of cleaning tasks tailored to suit you and your business.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2977941
Posted: 12 Apr '22
Visits: 258

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User: maidmarions00
Member since 10 May '19
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