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Best Dry cleaners in Pimlico, London

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Service Cost: £10.00


Greater London, London

Offer Type

Dry cleaners in Pimlico, London, have long been a mainstay of the local business community, providing high-quality services to residents and tourists alike. Many local Pimlico dry cleaning shops have been owned and operated for generations by one or more original family members. Still, Gold Dry cleaners are the Best Dry cleaners in Pimlico, London.

The majority of Pimlico dry cleaners also offer a full line of stain removal products, from latex-free stain removing agents to remover pads. This means you can purchase just what you need to clean your garments without worrying about re-soiling or having to wash your garments in the future. Some of the more popular stain removal agents include Stain Guard Polyester, Stain Guard Fabric, Liquids, and Upholstery Sprays. These products are made for light to moderate stain removal, and many of them can be used again.

Another characteristic that sets many of these shops apart from their competition is the wide variety of ironing tools and accessories they offer. There are numerous styles of ironing rods available to choose from, as well as unique brands of polishing cloths that can safely and effectively polish up your ironing service. Some of the polishing cloths are specially designed for use with specific ironing equipment brands, so you can trust that you're not using something harmful on your garments. There are also several styles of dry cleaning machines that Pimlico dry cleaners offer, and most of them feature the latest technology and materials for high-end protection of your garments. Plus, many of the available accessories can add a small amount of your choosing to the overall experience. For example, many dry cleaning machines have a built-in hairdryer attachment, which can be used to dry your hair while you're ironing. All these features make Gold dry cleaners Best Dry cleaners in Pimlico, London.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2925140
Posted: 07 Jan '21
Visits: 349

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User: ameliamaria
Member since 07 Jan '21
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