Classified ads in London

Call Our Team to Get Your Carpet Cleaned Professionally

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Service Cost: £N/A


304A Ballards Lane, Greater London, London

Offer Type

If you are searching for a company that offers professional carpet cleaning in London then we can be your ultimate choice! VIP Carpet Cleaning London has more than 20 years of experience in carpet and rug cleaning. Our cleaners are knowledgeable and make use of proper equipment like Prochem and Karcher to clean the carpets and rugs. Also, before we start, the carpet will be examined extensively to determine its kinds, fibres and how much it is dirty. We are available day and night throughout the year even on weekends and holidays to serve you with cleaning services as per your convenience!  

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3055225
Posted: 02 Feb '24
Visits: 124

Poster Details

User: vipcarpetcleaning
Member since 13 Nov '22
Postings: 8
Followers: 1, Following: 1
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