Classified ads in Bournemouth

Washroom Equipment - Pipers Hygiene

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Service Cost: £N/A


Wessex House Suite 15 St Leonards Road Bournemouth BH8 8QS, Dorset, Bournemouth

Offer Type
In the absence of the sanitary unit, sanitary napkins and tampons often fall into the toilet. If restroom users continue to dump items they are not supposed to flush, it will eventually lead to clogs and plumbing problems. Also, you can minimize your impact on the environment by having sanitation units as Washroom Equipment in your company.
Call now:- 7973313162

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2980688
Posted: 04 May '22
Visits: 213

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User: pipershygiene
Member since 04 May '22
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