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Wireless Fire System

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Item Price: £N/A

Herefordshire, Leominster

Availability: 1

Offer Type

Our Alarm Radio Monitoring system, equipped with a wireless fire system, provides 24/7 protection for your home or business. Our experienced team will be alerted of any signs of a fire, ensuring a speedy response to minimize the damage. With our advanced technology, you'll have peace of mind, knowing your property is in good hands. Don't leave your safety to chance! With the use of either wireless or wired signal boosters, the range of the system can be extended, and during the automatic set-up, the system will configure this equipment to ensure the most reliable and effective operation is achieved.


Item Details

Advert Ref: #3023330
Posted: 04 Apr '23
Visits: 536

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User: alarmradiomonitoring
Member since 10 Aug '22
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