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Data Centre Office Clearance Computer Laptop Buyers

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Item Price: £N/A

455 CHESTER ROAD, Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, Manchester

Availability: 1

Device Types
CPU Type
Unspecified Cpu
Memory (Gb)
Unspecified Memory
HDD Type
Optical Drive
Unspecified Os
Unspecified Brand

Are you a corporate seller interested to obtain a fair market price to sell the used or surplus IT equipment? Find the reliable platform of SBS Data Systems, the foremost Data Centre Office Clearance Computer Laptop Buyers, where keen customers can email or call the technicians with the specific serial number and part code to obtain a fair market value, depending on the existing performance of such IT equipment, and also the open market value. Thereafter, with the customer’s permission, the IT assets are collected from the doorstep of the customers through a cost-free courier service. Within 24 hours, the agreed valuation amount is credited to the seller’s bank account.

Item Details

Advert Ref: #2980015
Posted: 28 Apr '22
Visits: 343

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User: sbsdatasystems
Member since 19 Feb '21
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