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Gain a free and equitable valuation cost to sell used IT equipment UK

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Item Price: £N/A

455 CHESTER ROAD, Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, Manchester

Availability: 1

Device Types
CPU Type
Unspecified Cpu
Memory (Gb)
Unspecified Memory
HDD Type
Optical Drive
Unspecified Os
Unspecified Brand

Discover the noteworthy digital platform of SBS Data Systems to sell used IT equipment UK and acquire cost-free and candid quotation prices. Ascertaining the specific brand with the part code emailed by clients, our engineers revert with the fair valuation rate, and on clients’ consent, they provide a no-cost asset recovering process, thereby saving time, money, and energy for the end-customers. They cater to renowned brands and discrete used or surplus IT hardware having eco-label tags for reducing landfills, such as servers, PCs, laptops, HDDs, RAMs, WLANs, switches and routers, and security and firewall components, amongst others.

Item Details

Advert Ref: #2959114
Posted: 15 Nov '21
Visits: 347

Poster Details

User: sbsdatasystems
Member since 19 Feb '21
Postings: 0
Followers: 0, Following: 0
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