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How to request a refund for an Avast subscription

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Service Cost: £9.99

West Midlands, Birmingham


Offer Type

You are not completely satisfied with your Avast purchase or don’t intend to use it for some other reason. You should be able to get an avast refund with no hassle if it’s within 30 days of your purchase.

If you have any query regarding Avast Refund,
Dial Toll Free – 0800-090-3222

What is avast antivirus? 

Avast is one of the multinational cybersecurity software companies based in Prague, Czech Republic. The company specializes in the development of computer security software, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The company’s most popular product is Avast Antivirus, followed by services.

Avast reportedly has over 435 million monthly active users. Avast software detects, blocks, and removes all types of malware: viruses, adware, spyware, and more. You also get Wi-Fi network security and real-time protection from phishing attacks, unsafe websites, and other threats to your device.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3015133
Posted: 20 Jan '23
Visits: 158

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