Classified ads in Birmingham

Looking for expert Java Developers for Edtech Software Development

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Service Cost: £30.00 per hour


Regus Business Centre, Fort Dunlop Fort Parkway, Fort Pkwy, West Midlands, Birmingham


Offer Type

Hire Ficode's full-stack Java backend developers to create a Learning Management System, and you'll get excellent, robust, reliable and scalable Edtech Software tailored to your precise business needs. Ficode, a leading Java Development Company, pioneers innovation in Edtech Software Development.

Java's offers robust error-handling capabilities, memory management, and garbage collection contributing to building stable and fault-tolerant Java web applications for learning management systems.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3041187
Posted: 21 Sep '23
Visits: 159

Poster Details

User: saleforcedeveloper
Member since 07 Jan '16
Postings: 2
Followers: 0, Following: 0
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