Classified ads in London

Taxi Booking Engine

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Service Cost: £N/A

73 Oaklands Grove, London, W12 0JE, Greater London, London

Offer Type

Enhance your taxi business's online presence and booking capabilities with Logistifie's Taxi Booking Engine. Our powerful tool seamlessly integrates into your website or app, allowing customers to book rides effortlessly. With customizable features and secure payment options, our Taxi Booking Engine provides a convenient and reliable solution for your taxi service. By offering a user-friendly and straightforward booking process, you can attract more customers and increase your business's reach.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3038324
Posted: 24 Aug '23
Visits: 111

Poster Details

User: logistifies
Member since 20 Apr '23
Postings: 1
Followers: 0, Following: 0
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