Classified ads in Wokingham

To Hire the latest 3D and 4K Projectors, Click here

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Service Cost: £N/A


Uk Axon House Oaklands Business Centre, Oakland Park, Berkshire, Wokingham

Offer Type

Data Projectors are well established technology and have been used and rented in the AV and events industry for many years.

Our extensive projector rental fleet, together with our experienced event managers and qualified engineering team, enables us to supply projectors to a vast variety of large and small events, conferences, seminars, training days and exhibitions.


For more details, Please visit this page

Data Projectors are well established technology and have been used and rented in the AV and events industry for many years.

Our extensive projector rental fleet, together with our experienced event managers and qualified engineering team, enables us to supply projectors to a vast variety of large and small events, conferences, seminars, training days and exhibitions.


For more details, call us at 01344 456 600.


Service Details

Advert Ref: #2977380
Posted: 07 Apr '22
Visits: 206

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User: hamiltonrental
Member since 03 Aug '18
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