Classified ads in Hungerford

Laura Fishlock Osteopathy

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Service Cost: £N/A

Unit 7, The Courtyard, High Street, Berkshire, Hungerford

Offer Type

Here at Laura Fishlock Osteopathy, we are local osteopaths who offer osteopathy treatments and back pain treatments, such as cranial osteopathy, sports massage, clinical yoga, treatments for back pain, sports massage treatments, injury massage treatments, and local yoga classes in Hungerford and the surrounding area of Berkshire. If you would like to know more information about the treatments that we offer, please feel free to get in touch with our friendly team today. We’d love to assist you in any way that we possibly can.

What Is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a way of finding, treating, and preventing health problems by stretching, massaging, and moving the muscles and joints of the patient. Osteopathy treatments are based on the idea that the well-being of someone depends on their muscles, bones, ligaments, and connective tissue all functioning together.


Service Details

Advert Ref: #3039925
Posted: 08 Sep '23
Visits: 186

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User: laurafishlockost
Member since 08 Sep '23
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