Classified ads in London

Launch the Uber for X to provide any class of on-demand services

This advert has expired. Contents may not be accurate any longer.

Service Cost: £1,999.00

55 Andrews Road, EB4RL, Greater London, London

Offer Type

Get the most flexible app solution for your on-demand services business! Uber-like apps for X is an ingenious on-demand app solution. As the majority of the population are convenient with availing of services on-demand, you can very well rely on this Uber for X app. You may have plans for providing popular services like ride-hailing, courier delivery, grocery/food delivery, and even many other services.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2959943
Posted: 20 Nov '21
Visits: 344

Poster Details

User: claraf
Member since 28 Jul '21
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