Classified ads in London

Affordable Electricians in Haringey for You

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Service Cost: £29.99


Unit 23 Shaftesbury Centre, 85 Barlby Road, Greater London, London

Offer Type

Affordable electricians in Haringey are never difficult to spot when you know your way to the Electric Works London located at the Shaftsbury Centre on the Barlby Road. We are a widely trusted electrical services provider and cater to all the needs of both commercial and residential clients. The wide and impressive range of the services we provide includes the following –

  • Emergency lighting
  • Security lighting
  • Electrical rewiring
  • Fuse box installation

We also double as emergency electricians to promptly respond to your calls. You can expect top class service from us as all our electricians are registered with the NICEIC.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3001663
Posted: 16 Sep '23
Visits: 170

Poster Details

User: electricworkslondon
Member since 22 Nov '19
Postings: 8
Followers: 1, Following: 1
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