Classified ads in Luton

VIP Table Booking and Guestlist Service in London

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Service Cost: £N/A


London, UK, Bedfordshire, Luton

Offer Type

Welcome to VIP tables London. We are the leading table booking service for the most exclusive nightclubs and restaurants in London. Our service is professional and first-class, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our clients have a fantastic night out. The clubs and restaurants we work with offer unrivalled luxury and glamour, and VIP tables London provide the perfect way to experience them. Whether you’re looking for a birthday celebration, a corporate event or just a night out with friends, we can help you find the perfect venue and table at any exclusive venue. 

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2995529
Posted: 17 Aug '22
Visits: 195

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User: viptableslondon
Member since 17 Aug '22
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