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Best Flea Treatment for Dogs in UK Ooddles Kitchen

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Pet Price: £29.00

Greater London, London

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Equipment & Accessories Type
Unspecified Equipment

Fleas and ticks are a source of annoyance and potential health threat in every part of the UK. It is possible to pick up during the entire calendar year. The winter is no less of a risk than the spring or summer. . This is especially true because these insects can thrive in our homes. Dogs and cats which spend time outdoors are at equal risk of picking up fleas. However, because dogs spend a larger amount of time outdoors, they are at a higher risk than cats for ticks. Fleas and ticks can also enter homes from visiting pets and on people's clothes.

If not prevented or treated, fleas and ticks can cause a variety of potential health issues for dogs, including:

Skin irritation and infection

Rashes and red inflamed skin

Scabs and scales Transmission of disease and illness to you and your dog

Psychological issues from constant scratching

Fleas and ticks can also result in transmission of disease to humans through petting and sharing a living space with a host dog. This is why it is critical that you are aware of the health dangers that fleas and ticks can pose. It is important that you take measures to reduce the risk of an infestation. With the right plan and products, flea and tick infestation is easily preventable.

Our veterinarians are here to help you develop a flea and tick prevention program that will best suit your needs and lifestyle.


Pet Details

Advert Ref: #2939057
Posted: 15 Jun '21
Visits: 352

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User: ooddleskitchen
Member since 10 Feb '21
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