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Choose Smart Dog Collar DogFender, Buy Now

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Pet Price: £N/A

Hertfordshire, St Albans

Offer Type
Equipment & Accessories Type
Unspecified Equipment

Looking to provide your dog with a worry-free walking experience? Then consider buying DogFender, a smart dog collar UK which is the most essential thing for their safety. Protection from a dog or wild animal attacks, has full throat and neck protection, is safe and comfortable to wear, and is convenient to use with remote control and there are other great benefits too of using DogFender.

To buy the most convenient, comfortable, and smart Dog Collar in UK, visit us now! DogFender Limited.

Pet Details

Advert Ref: #3031244
Posted: 16 Jun '23
Visits: 483

Poster Details

User: dogfendercollar
Member since 09 Jun '23
Postings: 2
Followers: 0, Following: 0
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