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Micro-Serrated Dog Grooming Scissors

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Pet Price: £100.00

Devon, Plymouth

Offer Type
Equipment & Accessories Type
Unspecified Equipment

We offer 440-c Japanese Stainless Steel Micro-Serrated Edged Dog Grooming Scissors that have been ergonomically designed to prevent hairs from slipping or leaving micro teeth behind. Every hair that comes under the serration is cut instantly, even if the coat is oily. Using a serrated edge can help grip the dog coat, reduce the risk of pushing or folding the coat and reduce blade "fatigue" as the cutting edges become dull with constant use.

For more information contact us:
44 Charles Darwin Road, Plymouth, Devon PL1 4GU, UK

Pet Details

Advert Ref: #2963071
Posted: 30 May '23
Visits: 293

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User: abbfabbgrooming
Member since 25 Aug '20
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