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Preventing Tragic Outcomes from Dog Attacks- DogFender Ltd

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Pet Price: £84.95

Coursers Road, Hertfordshire, St Albans

Offer Type
Equipment & Accessories Type
Unspecified Equipment

The DogFender collar is an innovative device that forms a static barrier around your dog's neck, effectively deterring aggressors and preventing injuries. This article underscores the critical importance of making proactive safety choices amidst rising dog-on-dog violence. It highlights the urgency of safeguarding your pet through protective measures, backed by alarming statistics and real-life examples of dog attacks, illustrating the severe consequences for both pets and their owners.

Pet Details

Advert Ref: #3068644
Posted: 27 Jun '24
Visits: 101

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User: dogfendercollar
Member since 09 Jun '23
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