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Learn Reiki TODAY and heal yourself and others

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London, all areas worldwide, Surrey, Epsom

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Reiki is one of the oldest and most powerful and effective forms of natural healing. Reiki is a Japanese name for the powerful natural healing energy that surrounds everything in the world. Call it what you will, it`s what makes us tick! Reiki energy revitalises and refreshes the mind, body and soul.  

Reiki treatments complement any other kind of treatment or therapy, conventional or otherwise in both people and animals.

Treatments can help to heal every kind of physical problem including sports injuries, broken bones, back problems and serious illness or disease. Reiki healing is also particularly effective in combating stress, tension, depression, PMS and all forms of emotional trouble. Treatments can help you cope during times of upheaval and change. Some people can enjoy Reiki simply as a relaxing way to recharge their batteries and boost their energy levels, or to improve their general health and well-being.

There are many benefits of Reiki:
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Heals holistically
Strengthens the immune system
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver.
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions
Aids meditation and positive thinking

The courses are on going and can be done any day of choice. Booking to reserve your place is essential as the groups are small with limited spaces. The day will cover Usui Reiki 1,2 or Reiki Master Attunement and also the Chakra's, Crystals and Colours. You will learn how to use natural means as a preventative measures for your health and how to improve your health with simple yet very effective techniques. Once you have been attuned you will be receiving Reiki and practising on others. You will be presented with Usui Reiki Certificate which will enable you to practise Reiki.

Anyone can be attuned to Reiki. The ONLY way to learn Reiki is to be attuned either distant or in person and this will enable you to heal yourself and others for life. Once you have been attuned to Reiki all you need to do to heal yourself and other’s is simply place your hands close to or on yourself or another person and the energy will automatically flow

Reiki Course details

Distant attunement can be carried out any day you chose. The distant attunements and attunements in person are exactly the same. The attunements consist of using traditional and none traditional symbols and other methods what I have found to enhance the healing making it much more powerful

Tutor support and ongoing support when required

Accredited Course: Recognised Diploma sent in the post to enable you to practise reiki should you wish

What the course covers
Introduction to Reiki
The history of Reiki
How reiki works
Reiki Principles
Sending Reiki
The quickest, easiest and least time consuming ways to heal yourself and others
Preparing for Reiki
Self treatment
Treating others
Colour Therapy and how it can be used each day through diet, colour breathing, colours in the environment to obtain balance and with continued use maintain that balance
Crystal Healing
Chakra Balancing through various practises
Option to receive Reiki Booster - Receiving the distant attunement again
Tips for before, during and after healing
PLUS great selection of free ebooks to download

Nothing complicated to study or learn however the manuals cover everything you can possibly wish to know and much more should you chose to refer back to them anytime. Reiki is more of an attunement than a course and the learning really begins once attuned and you start using reiki on yourself and others. The more you use it the more you will discover

The manuals cover much more than Reiki and include everything I have discovered over the 20 years of teaching and practising Reiki around the world in person and distant

Learning Reiki will change your Life in so many positive ways and encourage many positive changes which may be long over due More details can be found at simply-wholistic com

Change your Life TODAY 

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Advert Ref: #2272884
Posted: 07 Aug '24
Visits: 73

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User: planethealer
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