Classified ads in Birmingham

Interested in helping to make the future a better and safer place

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Salary: £60.00 per hour

West Midlands, Birmingham

Job Advertiser

Registered: 25 Sep '23
Postings: 0
Followers: 0, Following: 0
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Appen is currently conducting paid in-person projects in Birmingham, and would love for you to join us!

Interested? Then fill out our In-Person Projects Interest Form (Birmingham, UK) right away.

We will then send you an invitation to one of our current running projects, or keep you in mind for new ones to come, based on your answers.

Each project invitation will include the pay rate and payment details, the expected onsite time commitment, and information concerning the project’s task(s).

We look forward to having you join our Birmingham project community!

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Position Details

Advert Ref: #3041542
Posted: 25 Sep '23
Visits: 153