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Best Oncologist near me in Jaipur

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Service Cost: £1,000.00

Greater London, London

Offer Type

We are a team of certified doctors, with specialists for every IR stream. Infinity Endovascular Clinic is a medical awareness program undertaken by medical professionals to bring awareness to common people about various developments in the field of IR.  Our team of expert and certified doctors make the entire treatment very simple with the PinHole Surgery Method. This modern technique is introduced for the First Time in Rajasthan, especially from the Expert team of Infinity Intervention Clinic. Because of less surgery and fast treatment, the patient's recovery rate becomes very fast and smooth. This advanced surgery makes the entire process a PainLess Procedure which is very less painful for patients. We cure the disease with our 100% accurate diagnosis method. To book your appointment now, call us on 0141-4030126 or visit our website.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2969582
Posted: 08 Feb '22
Visits: 130

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User: soninisha2202
Member since 17 Jul '21
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