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For Affordable Private GP Online Appointment Contact tapGP

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Service Cost: £N/A


TapGP Limited, Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road, Greater London, London

Offer Type

tapGP provide quality healthcare from anywhere in the world through video and telephone consultations. Our NHS trained, UK-based GPs and clinicians are here to help you receive the care that you deserve when you cannot see your own GP.

Our patients at tapGP are provided with same-day appointments that are affordable, and are usually available within a few hours. Our GPs and clinicians can prescribe and send your prescription to any pharmacy in the UK, as well as send referral letters and sick notes to your email inbox.

For more details regarding appointment visitour site also call 2036899814.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2964830
Posted: 28 Dec '21
Visits: 166

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