Classified ads in Harrow

Get Affordable Health Insurance for Self-employed Individuals

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Service Cost: £N/A

314B Preston Road, Harrow, Greater London, Harrow

Offer Type

PremierPMI specializes in providing affordable and optimized Health Insurance for self-employed individuals. Our services include rapid treatment access, bypassing NHS waiting lists, and access to top UK consultants and private hospitals. We are dedicated to assisting our clients save significantly on their insurance costs, with potential savings of up to 38% when switching providers. With over 40 years of experience, PremierPMI has established itself as a trusted advisor in the health insurance sector, offering personalized quotes, expert advice, and comprehensive market comparisons.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3065012
Posted: 17 May '24
Visits: 80

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User: premierpmi
Member since 19 Apr '24
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