Dr de Waal is a consultant psychiatrist offering online consultation for mental issues. As a consultant he led a comprehensive psychiatric community team in North Norfolk from February 1998. To know more, click here!
In April 2009 he took on an extra role and became Lead Clinician for all psychiatric services in North Norfolk and he continued in that role until May 2012. In March 2013 he took responsibility for the newly opened Dementia Care Academy at Hammerton Court in the Julian Hospital in Norwich. Dr de Waal was instrumental in presenting the clinical case for this multi-million pound development, at that time the largest single investment into dementia care in the UK. . It combined inpatient care for people with severe dementia with education and research, collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, patients and carers. severe dementia with education and research, collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, patients and carers.
For further details call us at 020 3970 0335.
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