Do you sometimes wonder what its all about or feel there must be more to life than this ?
No matter what you do you still feel some kind of void or missing piece in your life
If you are feeling that there is something missing in your life that you can’t quite pin point, chances are that it’s your spirituality.
Are you happy with all areas of your Life? Career, love, job, recreation, success, goals ?
Do you feel as though something is missing from your Life ?
Do you need more positive changes in any area of your life ?
Are you on the right path in life and fulfilling your life purpose ? Or does everyday seem like groundhog day?
Need a little help with some extra healing ?
Imagine the next time you were feeling stressed or have backache or a headache and instead of popping a pill to suppress the symptom you could heal yourself. Well you can. The only thing you are required to do is place your hands on or close to yourself or others and the healing will take place.
Reiki can transform your life in so many positive ways and will encourage many positive changes which may be long over due.
Learn Reiki Today. By learning Reiki you are re-connected to your higher self, which means you will become far more intuitive, enabling you to make better decisions and to feel far more ‘whole’. Reiki is Life changing in so many positive ways and helps you to deal with the ups and downs of every day life and whatever life throws at us in much more positive and constructive ways.
Reiki opens you up more spiritually is helps you to see things in a much wider perspective than you would normally enabling you to be more understanding and compassionate towards yourself and others. It changes your life in many positive ways which can only be described as magical. It makes you much more aware of your own energy and the energy around you, helping you notice when your thoughts and negative rather than positive, at which point you can change them. Instead of creating negative thoughts and thinking patterns that will eventually manifest into some physical symptom in the body and force your body to become in a diseased state and out of balance
There is nothing complicated to study, the learning comes when you practise healing on yourself and others by simply placing your hands close to or on yourself or others and the energy automatically flows. Anybody can be attuned to Reiki and it will without a doubt change your life in so many positive ways and improve your health and well Being by healing on all levels, encouraging many positive changes which may be long overdue.
In need of some Healing ? Join the Healing circle and receive healing for 1 whole year as featured in New Woman Magazine, Blogtalk Radio and BBC Radio. The healing circle covers all preventative measures for your health and well-being and you will feel the difference and notice so many positive changes in your life.
Information and suggestions to improve your health and change your Life, all simple, all free and to receive free healing now visit website
Free Ebooks available to download
Just a few things you can expect to experience joining the healing circle
Balanced chakras - all areas in your life more balanced
Feel more positive
More content
Peace of mind
Feel great about yourself and life
Encourage many positive changes in your life
Reiki enables you to heal yourself and others, without effort or study. Reiki is one of the most powerful and effective forms of natural healing and enables you to create real magic in your life each day. Usui Reiki 1 attunement is life changing in so many positive ways. Reiki encourages many positive changes to occur in your life, which may be long over due. Includes detailed manual covering Reiki, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Chakra’s and how you can use them to improve your health & well-being and balance your Life and ongoing support. This is a recognised Diploma should you wish to practise reiki
The distant attunement is available the same day. No time required whatsoever. No examination, no learning or study time. The only time you really learn about Reiki and energy is by practising healing, by simply placing your hands close to or on yourself or others.
Join the Healing Circle as featured in NEW WOMAN MAGAZINE, BLOGTALK RADIO & BBC RADIO AND receive healing for 1 whole YEAR and receive Usui Reiki level 1 attunement to enable you to heal yourself and others. This is a recognised Diploma should you with to practise. Make a decision right now, today to change your Life in so many positive ways and receive them both the SAME DAY. Buy now and receive today and your Life will never be the same again.
Do something amazing and Life changing with your Life TODAY, Learn Reiki and your life will never be the same again. For more details on Reiki and all other therapies visit website simply-wholistic com
All special offers end today and can be found webstore
Is something missing in your Life
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Posted: 20 Jul '24
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User: planethealer
Member since 03 Sep '14
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