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Looking For Shingles Treatment Call 2036899814

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Service Cost: £N/A


TapGP Limited, Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road, Greater London, London

Offer Type

The treatment for shingles does not “cure” it but can help your body to heal more quickly and reduce the risk of complications. tapGP is an online GP service that can discuss your symptoms with you and provide a prescription for antiviral treatment if this is appropriate.

We offer private GP appointments that are convenient for you to fit into your schedule, wherever you are. You don’t have to deregister with your own GP to see a doctor at tapGP. We allows you to see a private doctor through the online GP service if the waiting times are too long or you are unable to see your own GP.

Visit site  for knowing more about shingles treatment or contact us on 2036899814.


Service Details

Advert Ref: #2964831
Posted: 28 Dec '21
Visits: 172

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User: tapgpuk
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