Classified ads in Liverpool

Order Anaconda 120mg Dosage in UK Sildenafil citrate 120mg

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Service Cost: £5.00

london, Merseyside, Liverpool, Merseyside, Liverpool

Offer Type

Anaconda 120 mg  is composed of salt named as sildenafil citrate (120 mg).This medicine is used to treat Erectile dysfunction in males which helps them to get satisfactory results in intercourse.This medicine is quite effective and contains a little bit higher dosage than other ed medicines so if you are a beginner you need to start with some lower dosage which is required according to the severity of your condition.Anaconda 120mg is a medication which is very popular in the market and readily available also so you do not have to worry about from where you can take it.This medicine contains a salt which is termed as sildenafil and it's fda approved and belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitors.

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Advert Ref: #3055763
Posted: 09 Feb '24
Visits: 112

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User: jasonwood
Member since 09 Feb '24
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