Classified ads in Tunbridgewells

Shop Non Valved FFP3 MaskIndividualHY9330

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Service Cost: £5.80


Kent, Tunbridgewells

Offer Type

If you are looking for the best FFP3 mask, then the Non-Valved FFP3 Mask (Individual) (HY9330) is the perfect fit for you. Supplied by Protective Masks Direct – the leading seller of protective equipment in UK. This mask is used by many UK NHS Trusts and is valued for its fold-flat, a 3-panel design that allows for excellent movement while providing the best FFP3 protection. It is specifically designed to appropriately fit on every face type and provide the highest level of protection to wearers. Buy yours now!

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2964411
Posted: 23 Dec '21
Visits: 310

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User: protectivemasks
Member since 22 Dec '20
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