Job Reference: BBBH47441
Job Duration: 3 months+
Start date: ASAP
This is a key leadership role within the Occupational Health service. The post holder will manage and provide professional leadership to Occupational Health Nurse Advisors and the wider multidisciplinary team within the OccupationalHealth department.
Specifically, the post holder will:
* Ensure the department runs an evidence based service for Trustemployees, partners and external contracts
* Act as a resource of clinical expertise for relevant staff within the Occupational Health team
* Lead, develop and take continuing responsibility for the development & maintenance of a full OccupationalHealth service to the Trust (and external clients where necessary)
* Provide clear professional advice to employees and stakeholders
Key Responsibilities:
* Ensure that the Trust follows, develops and maintains practise in linewith legislation, guidance, policy and the required external and internal quality standards for occupational health
* To playa key role in strategy and business planning by leading on the implementation aspects of strategic direction and the planning that will underpin delivery
* Provide professional leadership and direction on occupational health and wellbeing issues to allTrust staff
* To participate in the Trust's Health and Safety and Infection Prevention groups as required.
* To participatein working groups to support implementation of Trust wide product changes.
* To participate in Trust outbreaks meeting that affect employees, blood and body fluid exposure incident data and any issues with regards to the vaccination programme
* Monitoring systems to ensure compliance with key occupational health performance indicators.
* To ensure delivery of data to Department of Health (DH) as required, including Influenza vaccine data and other as agreed.
* Manage the Trust Employee Assistance Programme contract and reflect usage trends/ issues/delivery to support Trust Wellbeing Agenda
* Work as a clinical expert in occupational health advising on all aspects of occupational health and wellbeing in accordance with evidence based outcomes and best practice and in conjunction with OH consultant.
* To ensure confidential occupational health records, paper and electronic are maintained and safeguarded in full compliance with the legislation
* To ensure an effective IT system that is fit for purpose and complies with data Protection requirements.
* To undertake a clinical workload as appropriate to thedepartment to include sickness absence and medical referrals, work health assessments, health surveillance, vaccinations and refer to the Occupational Health Physician as required
* To ensure the occupational health service complies with the quality standards for accreditation by SEQOHS, NHS requirements, DH guidance, Public Health England (PHE) and accepted good practice
* Tomonitor and identify patterns of management referrals of sickness absence and work incidents/accidents reporting to senior managers as appropriate.
* Advise managers and staff on rehabilitation and re-settlement following sickness absence
* Ensure appropriate systems are in place for reporting incidents and occupational diseases internally and externally as required to agencies such as Health and Safety Executive (RIDDOR), PHE and DH.
* Ensure safe systems of work are in place to manage contact tracing of staff in the event of infectious disease outbreak including appropriate record management
* Ensure occupational health staff are trained to meet the needs of the service.
Research and Development
* To lead input on the operational aspects ofdelivery of research and development projects in occupational health, from the early planning stages, through development of grant applications to delivery of the project - ensuring that delivery is feasible and appropriately costed and staffed.
* To operationalise the collection and analysis of data where required to support research and development projects, audit and serviceevaluation
Financial and Information Management
* Responsible for the delegated Occupational Health budget and its effective management, ensuring delivery of a high quality service within available resources
* To lead and operationalise the procurement of key aspects of occupational health service or its infrastructure, e.g. IT systems, third party providers for mental orphysical health and wellbeing services
* Responsible for the appropriate collation and retention of all occupational health records via appropriate systems, drawing on additional expertise as required
* Manage and monitor service level agreements and external contracts for occupational health services
* Identify potential business opportunities for the department and TrustStaff Management
* Provide strong clinical leadership and team building
* Meet regularly with all occupational health staff to discuss both clinical, and commercial developments within the service and to provide minutes of departmental meetings that is accessible to all staff within the department
* Monitor staff sickness, annual leave, maintaining staff records, counselling staff and taking further action as necessary.
* To be responsible in the management of all staff in the Occupational health Service in accordance with the Trust's Policies. This includes recruitment and selection, appraisals and dealing with disciplinary issues, appeals and complaints.
* To ensure that the culture of the occupational health department encourages each individual to take responsibility for their own continuous professional development, and to develop to their potential
Industry: Medical and Nursing
Salary: £202.00 - £235 per day
Salary Benefits:
Vacancy Type: Contract
Job Skills: -
Contact Name: Megan Oakes- Taylor
Website: -
Direct Application URL: -