Classified ads in Hastings

A dedicated and trusted team of family solicitors

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Service Cost: £N/A

East Sussex, Hastings

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We are Elaine Parkes Solicitors, one of the leading family solicitors in the United Kingdom. We are proud to proclaim ourselves as one of the best law firms in the United Kingdom. We are a highly selective, tech-enabled international local firm constantly recognized for its excellence, integrity, and unity among its family solicitors. ElaineParkesSolicitors' condensed and diversified strategy enables improved productivity and engagement, allowing us to serve our clients more effectively and efficiently.

Elaine Parkes Solicitors is a close-knit team of professionals who leverage technology to maintain the highest quality of work to serve our clients. Here we intend to look for ways where we can enhance the quality of our services so that you will not settle for anything less. Our consortium of local law firms is crammed with the top ranks of the leading family solicitors in the world, ensuring that we have the best specialists on every particular subject. Our solicitors work round the clock to deliver the best quality of service to our clients, using the latest modes of technology or other means. It keeps us at the forefront of legal innovation. Here we don't follow the "one-size fits all" and believe in providing amiable working structures so that you can work according to your individual needs and requirements.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3003135
Posted: 13 Oct '22
Visits: 232

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User: elaineparkes004
Member since 25 Apr '22
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