Text or call for more details O752O67l39I. Sirio is ready for his forever home now. He has been veterinarian health checked, dewormed, and started on his vaccinations. His estimated full grown weight is 18 to 23 pounds. Sirio will go home with his health certificate, vaccination record, puppy food, toys with his littermates scent on them, and a one-year health guarantee. If Sirio is the right puppy for you and your familycome and get him now. He will definitely stay by your side and be your ultimate playmate! He loves to go exploring and make new friends! We love on him daily and hope you are his forever home! He comes with papers, a 1yr health certificate and guarantee. Born and raised inside our home, with our children and other household pets. He will come home very well socialized and extremely loved. Your new baby will come current with shots,
de worming, vet checks and health guarantee. All of our babies are clear through parentage and both parents are very healthy.
Boston Terrier puppies
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Pet Price: £N/A
Nottinghamshire, Nottingham
Offer Type
Pet Type
Unspecified Pet
Pet Details
Advert Ref: #2966349
Posted: 10 Jan '22
Visits: 281
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User: meversecountts
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