Classified ads in Glenrothes
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Pair of Grey parrots for a new home .

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Pet Price: £800.00

Unit 5, Lomond Business Park, Baltimore Rd, Glenrothes KY6 2PJ, Fife, Glenrothes

Offer Type
Pet Type


Parrots with luxury cage, food, groundcover, toys and other accessories. Unfortunately, I can no longer have my two beautiful parrots due to my working program and movement . Male and female friendly . . They are very happy with each other, so I don't think they should be separated. contact if you will love to have them . Sent message to my email .

What'sApp : +44 7940 420720


Pet Details

Advert Ref: #3034908
Posted: 20 Jul '23
Visits: 184

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User: marcko
Member since 20 Jul '23
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