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Second Hand Yaesu Frg-9600 VhfUhf Receiver

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Item Price: £N/A

SW10 0HQ, Greater London, London

Availability: 1

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Unspecified Type

Second Hand Yaesu FRG-9600 VHF-UHF Receiver, ALL MODE VHF/UHF SCANNING RECEIVER. providing features never been offered before, the FRG-9600 is an all mode scanner covering 60 through 905 MHz continuously, with 100 keypad-programmable memory channels.

In addition to FM wide (for FM and TV broadcasts), FM narrow (for two-way police, military, business and ham communications) and

AM wide and narrow (for aeronautical and ham communications), the FRG-9600 also provides SSB (single sideband) reception up to

460 MHz, allowing reception of ham and military SSB, as well as theACSB mode now used by the military and experimentally as

the mode of the future for VHF. The SSB mode also provides for easy reception of CW (radiotelegraph), and a front panel tuning knob is

provided to simplify tuning of SSB, CW and narrowband AM. Seven tuning/scanning rates between 100Hz and 100kHz assure quick and

efficient tuning and scanning in all modes.
The scanning system allows either full or limited (keypad programmed) band scanning as well as memory channel scanning, with

auto-resume. In addition to carrier sensing scan stop, audio scan stop sensing is also selectable, to avoid stopping on inactive

"carrier-only" channels. Scanning steps are selectable, with the wide steps indicated on the front panel display. Signal strength is

indicated by a two-colour graphic S-meter on the display.
A 24 hour clock/timer is included, along with a recorder output, for automatic power on/off switching and recording of transmissions at

any time. Additional jacks provide cpu band selection outputs, multiplexed (FM wide) output, AF and RF mute and other control signals

for maximum expansion potential with future options or for those who wish to provide their own add-on hardware for special

applications. A mobile mounting bracket is also supplied for automobile mounting.
The Yaesu CAT System provides a direct control link to the cpu in the FRG-9600, allowing operators with personal computers to add

virtually unlimited customized control functions in software, such as multiple, organized memory banks, automatic tuning, and

customized scanning systems, using most any personal computer and a Yaesu FIF CAT Interface Unit.

Telegram : +44 74630 55589

Whatsapp : +1909.287.1365


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Advert Ref: #3047540
Posted: 19 Nov '23
Visits: 298

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