Classified ads in Sunburyonthames

Corporate Events-Hotels-Restaurants-Gastro Pubs-Contract Catering-Scho

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Service Cost: £N/A

"25 Claremont Avenue Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex T, 25 Claremont Avenue Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex, Middlesex, Sunburyonthames

Offer Type

Supplying all levels of Back and Front of House on Temporary, Permanent basis or even  for Private Events at Home, we will bring you the fine dining experience to your door step with out any inconvenience, we do this in London and all over the UK 24/7.Our Team are out there always looking for Talented and Experienced Candidates and We will only send you the Best.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3045497
Posted: 01 Nov '23
Visits: 110

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User: operatinalchef
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